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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

King & Successor - Really?

I've tried; really. But the success of Larry King and his successor Piers Morgan (as interviewers, not as TV personalities) mystified, and continues to mystify me. When I listen to their questions, presumably ones they've developed themselves or paid someone to develop, I shake my head in disbelief; really.

Maybe Terry Gross from NPR has spoiled me but how hard is it to prepare questions that are open ended?  And when referring to a passage in a book, how about prefacing a question by reading a sentence or two so the audience gets a little context? The interviewer's craft is about effective non-leading questions just as a prosecuting attorney's craft is about questions that usually will elicit a "yes" or "no". The prosecutor's guideline is "Never ask a question you don't already know the answer to". An interviewer's guideline, cute bow tie & suspenders or quaint English accent aside, is the exact opposite.

With guests as intelligent and accomplished as Condoleeza Rice (Democrats - forget the politics, have you heard this woman play the piano?), Terry Gross belongs on the job, telegenics be damned. At least I won't be crying "Uncle" at my TV as I did when Morgan tried interviewing Rice. Really.          

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