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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

My Missing Valentine

Why not wait until the holiday to publish a post about my missing Valentine?

Well to begin with, the last time she and I were apart for more than two weeks was in late 1978 when I hitchhiked across country and back. So far, she's been away ten days and there are still ten more to go. Not that I'm keeping track. 

Also, this Friday will be the first time we've been apart on a Valentine's Day since we first celebrated the holiday together in February of 1979. Last year we were in Pretoria on February 14. In 2023, we had dinner at a favorite local restaurant. Not that I pay real close attention to what has happened on past Valentine's Days. 

Did I mention I won't get to hear her thoughts at the discussion at my book club tonight? Over the eight + years the club has been in existence, she's missed perhaps five meetings. Not that I noticed.

So, why not wait to publish this post until the holiday? It's not like she's crossed my mind since she left on February 2nd. On Valentine's Day, I guess I'll have to be satisfied knowing our new grandson is getting the undivided attention of the best person he might ever know, instead of me getting all the attention. It's a hardship, but I'll cope. 


  1. Sweet post. Reflections of the song "I'm not in Love" by 10cc, which the fellow wrote because his wife told him he didn't tell her he loved her often enough.

    I am not a fan of Valentine's Day, which feels like one of those made up holidays purely for commercial reasons. E and I used to be in Puerto Rico on this day every year. In PR Valentines Day is almost as big as Christmas with decorations everywhere. Puerto Rican women seem to live by the dictum, Whatever you got, flaunt it! And guys go all out to please their ladies. I didn't want to seem like the Valentine equivalent of Scrooge, so one year I said to E, "Why don't I take you shopping. We can go to all those tacky cheap clothing stores and you can try on a bunch of outfits, model them for me, and we'll end up buying a few things you'll wear once, laugh about and end up giving to Goodwill." It turned out to be a truly fun tradition for both of us.

    1. Jim; Thanks for the comment. Hadn't thought about that 10cc song in years but you are right; there are definite shades of it in my post. As far as being a Valentine's Day "Scrooge", I get that but anything that reminds me - however crassly - to acknowledge how fortunate I am to have found the partner I did so many years ago is OK by me.

  2. This is the best Valentine I could hope for. I'm missing you!

  3. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but is it also true out of sight out of mind? I find I miss my partner more now when he is traveling due to the fact that we have children (a true partnership as we share cooking, school tasks, cleaning). When we were in college/young adults traveling at length for work trips the time apart seemed a welcome respite.

    1. Marisa; Thanks for the comments and for the dueling aphorisms (i.e., "Out of sight..." vs. "Absence makes...") A future blog post, for sure.

  4. A beautiful sentiment!

  5. Hey, Pat. This is being written almost two weeks after Valentines Day, but I would echo what others have said and add that I hope enjoyed celebrating when you saw each other.
    Be well,

    1. Bob; We did enjoy re-uniting in late February; thanks for the comment and well-wishes.
