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Monday, July 16, 2012

Grateful For The Mundane

It recently occurred to me how grateful I am my dreams are innocuous.

Having been spared major trauma in my life, my dreams are the usual stuff - flying, being in a public place without clothes, getting back at someone who has hurt me, etc. And I have at least one recurring dream where I miss my final exams and consequently never receive my undergraduate degree. All mundane stuff, thank goodness.

Although I've never known anyone who recalls being abandoned as a child, like most people, I have known others who were abused as children. I've also known people who have never shaken off the stress of combat and women who have escaped violent marriages. Of course, there are traumas worse than these. But even limiting my imagination to the dreams that could be engendered by the traumas I've mentioned gives me enough pause. I'm incapable of imagining the actual experiences, deepening my gratitude for my fortunate life.


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