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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Today In Three

A little after 3:00 this afternoon, I put down the curriculum I was working on to write in my journal. As I was dating it, I noticed the time of my entry would roughly coincide with today's date. Although this happens periodically, it usually stops me short - my attention was very focused.

There are over 800 tunes in my I-tunes library. I'd estimate around 95% are in 4/4 time. At the same time I was making my journal entry, the Anne Murray waltz "Could I Have This Dance?" began playing in my shuffle rotation. Now I stopped writing to savor the magic unfolding.

No mystical third coincidence appeared to give this story additional drama. And I was more than satisfied with a song in 3/4 playing at 3:04 on 3/4. After several moments passed, I finished my journal entry and knew today's post had to pay tribute to this magic. I considered trying something cryptic, like writing all three word sentences using arcane musical references. After starting this post that way, I abandoned the approach soon after realizing I'd much rather hear about the most recent magic you've experienced.

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