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Sunday, December 24, 2023

On The Day Before Christmas

On the day before Christmas, when starting this post - a Dickens-like carol appeared without ghosts.

Instead, right before me, my eyes did behold a landscape without snow and no winter cold.

No gloves on my hands and no hat, scarf, nor fire; with shorts and a T-shirt my only attire.

Stranger still than the weather on this day of cheer - the distance between me and some I hold dear.

My brother and sisters far from me this eve seems very peculiar. Now would you believe?     

On this day before Christmas for seventy years, three people in my life have always been near. 

You might think me foolish for wasting your time, and writing this nonsense, composing these rhymes.

But thinking about them and writing this way helped make me feel better not sharing our day. 

I thank you for reading on this day before. It's one of the things that I'm most grateful for.  


  1. Hello, Pat and Merry Christmas 🎄. Hope you’re enjoying your visit and this new adventure for the holidays. Change isn’t always good but, in this case and after reading your lovely prose, I’m sure it’s a positive experience for all involved. Please share our best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season.
    Be well,

    1. Hey Bob; Merry Christmas to you as well and best to your family. Thanks for the comment.

  2. We missed you too! ❤️

    1. Kelly; Thanks for reading and the comment. Now, can you give me a clue where the sea lion, candlestick holder, etc. are hidden? And, be sure to tell my brother payback will be hell.

    2. Silly rabbit this was already the payback for all the things you hid at our house! Look in and around the bench area
