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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Words for the Ages: Line Thirty

"When you trust your television, what you get is what you got."

When John Mayer wrote that lyric for Waiting on the World to Change (2006), which television station(s) do you think he had in mind? Those of us old enough to recall when only a handful of TV stations existed - none of them affiliated with media empire billionaires curating content to ensure we weren't exposed to information that would challenge our worldview - might remember actually trusting much of what we heard on TV. What a quaint notion in an era when TVs assault us 24/7 in every conceivable public space and many people have multiple screens in their homes with angry, divisive pundits incessantly screaming at us to only play in the sandbox with those who share our opinions.    

Arguably, Mayer's lyric may have qualified as words for the ages even in the pre-cable TV era. But there's no question his words fit the 21st century like a glove. And I would submit his words will only grow to be more prescient as our fractured future unfolds. His concise phrase is also of a piece with an oft-repeated layman's definition of insanity: Doing the same thing, the same way, over and over again, and expecting different results

I'm not naive enough to think we'll ever return to a time when a phrase like "alternative facts" would make all intelligent people snicker. Sadly, what I'm left with is another phrase I heard years back, a slightly longer version of Mayer's wisdom without a reference to the idiot box, i.e., When you always do what you've always done, you always get what you've always got.  


  1. Hello Pat. Quite a thought provoking blog post and one that brings a few things to mind. One in particular, and maybe a bit outside of what you're saying, but I can't help but think of how my lovely wife reacts to current TV. Aside from the watching of our favorite sitcoms of today, she can usually be found watching ME (Memorable Entertainment) TV or Catchy Sitcoms TV - two stations that focus solely on comedy shows from the 60's and 70's. For some, and for her, a simpler time, although there were definitely problems during those times. But, in any event, it makes her happy, so there's that.
    Be well,

    1. Bob; Thanks for all three comments you made yesterday. It's wholly possible that your wife's choice of what to watch on TV is connected to what I'm getting at in this post. But even if her viewing habits aren't directly linked to my point, she's unquestionably better off avoiding the screaming talking heads on all the 24/7 "news" programs. What is to be gained by watching that noise other than more anxiety about the us vs. them climate those fools are promoting?
