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Sunday, July 21, 2024

A Satisfying Substitute

What mental picture do you have when thinking of someone meditating? I'd guess many folks would envision a person alone, eyes closed, sitting still in a quiet place, paying attention to their breathing with or without repeating a mantra, aloud or silently. On many days, that picture would closely match what my meditation practice looks like.

Several years back, my mental picture was broadened when an instructor at a retreat spoke of "a walking meditation". Ever since, there have been infrequent moments when I'm so fully present that my mind feels nearly as empty as it does when I'm sitting still and alone with my breathing. Am I meditating? I'm not sure but I do know the chatter has momentarily stopped, I'm not judging anything or anyone, and even the usual minor annoyances that sometimes trigger me - like a noisy leaf blower - somehow don't intrude on the moment. I'm clear, grateful, and quiet.

A few mornings back, sitting on my deck, one of these infrequent moments arrived unexpectedly. Perhaps it was the beautiful weather. Or maybe it was gazing at my wife's wondrous garden with all the butterflies. It could have been as simple as the cup of coffee on the table, the book in front of me, my guitar one room away. In the end, it doesn't matter because at that moment I was alive with wonder and awash in the feeling of being loved. I knew there was no need later in the day to rely on my normal meditation practice to center myself. Somehow, I'd gotten "there" without it.        


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous; Thanks for the comment and kind word.

  2. Lovely. I have heard of walking meditation and moving meditation. Rare but wonderful occurrence. A moment of stillness and awareness.....

    1. Ines; Thanks - as always - for your comments and also in this case for the support.

  3. Hey Pat. I know I told you this before but ... I am not one who mediates. Or at least I've not tried it previously ... or yet. If I relax too much it turns into a nap. So, maybe that is meditating. But, as I've said, the image you painted - sitting on a deck, looking at a garden, beautiful weather ... That may be enough ...Minus the leaf blower, of course .. lol
    Be well,

    1. Bob; Thanks for three comments in one day and for your kind words about this post. It was a moment of genuine serenity for me.
