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Friday, July 19, 2024

I've Got Your Number (#5 - The NYC Street Version)

a.) Pursuit on 52nd St.

b.) The 53rd St. Bridge Song

c.) 57th St. 

d.) Across 59th St.

e.) 110th St. 

Before anyone chastises me for leaving 42nd St. from this list of scrambled titles, please recall I've used only numbers above fifty since kicking off this series early this year. Anyway, that iconic song/musical would have been too easy for this latest - perhaps final - iteration. Ready to try solving another puzzle in pop ephemera without using Google? Here we go.

Four of the five NYC street names above have been featured in pop songs beginning with a 1967 hit by Harper's Bizarre, probably the easiest of the bunch. However, none of the four "correct" street names are in the titles from the a-e list as noted. Those four street names are scrambled throughout, meaning you have to take one of the four correct street numbers and transplant it to a different title until you have four correct song titles. Hint: One of these four - when you get the right street number in its appropriate place - was also the title of a feature length film around the same time as the song. 

The remaining item has a NYC street name that I can't recall ever crossing my always-on musical radar. However, the number in that item was featured in a song title from the early 1990s, bemoaning the wasteland. Final challenge? Identify that song. As with iterations #1-4, additional hints will be provided after a suitable length of time but only if necessary. Warning: There's one nerd out there who is pretty quick responding to these silly challenges but even he needed a little help at least once. So, if you're out of the box quickly, you have a shot at besting him. I'm waiting.                


  1. I wasn't as quick on this as I have been in the past. I have been pre-occupied with my grand daugters first birthday party that we had at our house over the weekend. Also, I wanted to give others some time to answer this. Anyway, it's Monday and I am back to my regular schedule so I am able to work this one out. Here are my answers:

    a. Pursuit on 53rd St - Doobie Brothers
    b. The 59th Street Bridge Song - Simon and Garfunkel
    c. 57th St - Correct
    d. Accross 110 Street - Bobby Womak
    e. 52 Street - Billy Joel

    Now for the bonus question. I think you are referring to the Bruce Springsteen song "Incident on 57th Street" from 1973 album The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle.

    1. Chris; Not only did you get 4 of the 5 correct (geek!), you also reminded me of "Incident at 57th St." which actually was not the tune I had in mind for item "c", although your song would have been a better fit for the "street" theme of my post. For that, you get extra points. The song I did have in mind for item "c" was a different Springsteen song = "57 Channels (And Nothin' On)" which makes our mind-meld thing even spookier. I'm a little worried about both of us. Thanks for participating in this now-defunct series. You are hands-down the big winner; your prize is knowing you're as music-obsessed as me - my condolences. Hope the birthday party went well.

  2. Hello, Pat. I was honestly working on this when, surprise, surprise - Here comes Chris - lol. Admittedly I would not have gotten them all but it is a lot of fun to try.

    1. Bob; Yeah, you've got to be quick on the draw to beat my fellow nerd Chris with anything musical. In the meanwhile, thanks for the comment and participating in the fun I had with this limited-run series. See you In The Year 2525 (sorry - I Can't Help Myself - oops ... There I Go Again, etc.)
