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Friday, October 13, 2023

Autumn in Five Courses

Yesterday, following a brief walk in Blackwater State Park, I was treated to a feast for the senses. 

Gathered with my friends at Lindy Point Overlook, I first noticed the murmuring of a distant stream far below where we stood. Looking up, I was overcome by the endless blue sky at about the same time I detected a faint odor of fall decay. After feeling the gentle caress of a breeze on my skin, I realized all that was missing was some taste of autumn.  

Walking back to the parking lot, I picked a huckleberry, enjoying how it tickled my tongue. Dessert. 


  1. Good morning, Pat. I honestly loved this post. So descriptive. Poetic. Not to take away from some of your previous posts, but … this is really beautiful. Thank you.
    Be well and continue enjoying what is obviously a very good trip.

    1. Bob; Thanks so much for your lovely words about this post. I was aiming for something a little impressionistic here and apparently - at least for you - this hit the mark.

  2. I echo Bob's comments. I love that you got in touch with all of your senses! Bravo.

    1. Ines; Given you & Bob are currently my most dependable non-family commenters, any feedback you both give carries a great deal of weight. So, thanks for echoing his kind words.
