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Monday, August 15, 2016

The Cost Of Impulsiveness

Five years ago today, I experienced the worst impulsive moment of my entire adult life. Though the financial cost of my hot-headed behavior that day was significant, and I was arrested for the first time in my life, the catastrophic consequences I envisioned did not materialize, thankfully. What did I learn?

1.) It's likely that the man I assaulted for menacing my wife, our niece and her friend will repeat his behavior with others. And even if he never does something like this again, some equally vile predator will. Which leads to me to further ask myself - Why did I expend energy stooping to this cretin's level?

2.) I'm capable of violence, notwithstanding a lifetime of claims to the contrary.

This is where I'm supposed to say I'd act more rationally the next time. Instead, let me ask you: What did you learn from the worst impulsive moment of your life?

1 comment:

  1. First of all, this is a strange anniversary to mark. Do you feel it gives you some kind of "bad boy" cred? Maybe it does just that. But look at it this way: Someone threatened or insulted your women. Your response was understandable. Case closed.
    As for the worst impulsive moment of my life? Hard to pinpoint one. I have always had the knack for coming out of such situations smelling like a rose.
