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Sunday, April 7, 2024

I've Got Your Number (#3)

Because today's iteration of my newest series is less music-centered than the first two, it's possible my smarty pants friend who quickly solved those two may have more difficulty today. Or maybe not. 

For anyone new to my latest twist in pop culture ephemera, each of the five items below - TV show, film, song, book, etc. - had in its original title a number over fifty. One of the five is wholly correct as noted. Your mission is to first identify that item and also name the artist most closely identified with it. Next, transplant a correct number from three of the items to a different item elsewhere on the list so that original titles are correctly reflected for those three. As with iterations #1 and #2, the remaining item - with its correct number seen nowhere on this list - requires more brainwork. Explanation for the more challenging piece follows the list of five. Ready? Remember, using Google is cheating. 

1). 222 Blows

2.) 400 Pick-Up

3.) 2017: A Space Odyssey

4.) Room 52

5.) 409   

For the remaining item, first supply its correct number. That part is quite easy unless you were asleep or not alive in the mid-20th century and even then, odds are most of you can supply the correct number for this iconic piece of pop culture. Now take the number from that item that can't be used elsewhere on this list and transplant it to a reasonably well-known song by a very well-known pop singer. Hint: The first word of this two-word song title is the name of a city and the song itself mentions neither the city nor the number in its lyric. If anyone - including you, smarty pants - needs a second hint for the remaining item, I'll supply that after a reasonable amount of time. 

I'm standing by. 


  1. The 400 Blows - Film directed by Francois Truffant
    52 Pick-Up - Film staring Roy Scheider
    2001: A Space Odyssey - Film based on a book by Arthur Clark, directed by Stanley Kubrick, starring Keir Dullea.
    Room 222 - TV Show staring Karen Valentine
    409 - Song by the Beach Boys (The correct one)

    As to the song the uses 2017 in it's title, that has the name of a city also as part of it's title but doesn't mention either 2017 or the name of the city, you have me stumped.

    1. Chris; Nice job, smarty-pants, especially with the extra information (Karen Valentine!) you provided above on each of the five pieces of pop ephemera. BTW, the Roy Scheider film "52 Pick Up" was adapted from the Elmore Leonard novel of the same name. Adding that only because you cited Arthur Clark's book, showoff. Stumping you with the city/"2017" song reference makes my day. Trust me, you know this song, even though it wasn't a "hit". I'm waiting for a week before giving my second hint just in case another reader (are you there, Bob?) wants to jump in and try to top the White Knight (aka you). So, return to the bell curve next Wednesday on the day I provide that hint. That is, unless another reader (Bob?) gets here first and lays claim to smarty-pants #2 by solving the hardest piece of this ludicrous puzzle.

    2. Chris; OK, as promised - given no one has yet jumped in the ring - here are your clues. The tag line from this reasonably well-known song by a VERY well-known pop star is "They say the lights went out on Broadway." And the city is in Florida.

    3. Hey Pat .. While I am still not as quick, or knowledgable (lol) as Chris, I have to respond to you last comment/clue - Miami 2017

    4. Good job Bob, you are quicker on the draw that I am. I forgot all about that Billy Joel song since it doesn't use the title in any of the lyrics. I know the song as "They Say the Lights Went Out On Broadway". And a good job to you Pat for coming up with such a difficult challenge. I look forward to the next one. :)

    5. Congratulations Bob on helping Chris complete his third attempt, without using Google, I presume. Given you & him are the only ones so far to throw your sombreros into this ring, I'll keep an informal scorecard between just you two, for now. As you've already graciously acknowledged, he's stiff competition BUT you did come to his rescue this time with the Billy Joel song so, there's that.

    6. Chris; Thanks for acknowledging the fact that Bob closed the loop on this third iteration and also for saying I came up with a "difficult challenge", something I need to do just to keep up with that geeky pop-infused brain of yours. Meanwhile, #4 is still percolating in my addled brain and will appear when it fully coheres. Stay tuned, smarty pants.
