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Monday, March 23, 2020


essential: absolutely necessary; indispensable.

What have you decided remains essential in the life you lead outside your home during these difficult times?

As this crisis continues, I suspect many of you, like me, have had to continually re-evaluate what activities outside of your home you deem essential. Procuring food would seem to be a universal, although I know someone who is physically capable of leaving home but will not do so nor ask an adult child to deliver food. How long a person making a similar decision will be able to manage is dependent on many variables, not least of which is how early on in the crisis that person decided to gather things essential to all of us.

This morning, before driving to the site, I was re-evaluating my commitment to continuing to assist the Meals on Wheels program as kitchen help. I reflected on the person who has decided not to leave home to procure food and contrasted that to the people that Meals on Wheels serves who cannot leave their homes. My re-evaluation process - for today at least - ended soon after.

Ten drivers - all volunteers like me - arrived to pick up meals for delivery on time. On my drive home - as I returned to re-evaluating this commitment outside my home - I noticed several liquor stores open for business. First thing I did arriving home was grab my dictionary and look up essential. 


  1. Hats off to you Pat. I was thinking of you and Meal On Wheels when I read an article that mentioned it in The Coaster last week. I appreciate your willingness to be of service in these challenging times. It does make us reevaluate not only what is essential but our connections to others. We are so interconnected and that carries with it a certain vulnerability.

    1. Thanks for the hats-off Ines. I'm being careful while balancing the need to remember there are always folks far worse off than I. Stay well.
