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Monday, June 7, 2021

Lonely On The Bell Curve

Back in early May, sometime after visiting the last exhibit in Graceland but before settling into a hotel room in Hot Springs, Arkansas, I misplaced an almost-full notepad. Dating back to November 2020, it contained ideas for blog posts. Since the March 2011 inception of my blog, I've reliably carried with me everywhere a notepad just like that misplaced one. 

I'm embarrassed to say misplacing notepad #13 (honest!) hasn't been easy to shake off. It's possible that the turmoil in my personal life from late 2020 through mid-April, two more seasons spent in the Covid cocoon, and the continuing aftermath of an "alternative facts" presidential election have contributed to me over-reacting to this loss. All the ideas captured in that notepad overlapped with those events. From past experience, I know even fragments from these pads have helped me make sense of my world, especially when those fragments later coalesced into a coherent blog post. I'm concerned that lost ideas from those seven months could threaten that sense-making.

Although I suspect I might be lonely on the bell curve today, if you find yourself in any part of this reflection, be sure to let me know. It helps.       

p.s. Apologies to any readers who receive notifications of my posts via their e-mail. I'm guessing some of you received two e-mails today, one about this post and another about my last post ("Marking the Fifth Decade") which was published on June 4I hope from here on you will receive e-mail notification for just my most recent post. 


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your lost note book. Nothing can make up for its loss but I hope it doesn't diminish your output. I do look forward to the next installment and appreciate the considerable effort it must take to create your always fascinating blogs.

    1. Steve; Thanks for commiserating. I fully realize how silly it is to waste time thinking about this but, for better or worse, that's who I am. Big thanks for the kind words about my blogs.

  2. Good morning, Pat. OK, let's start with the last part of your post for today. Never a need to apologize. Although I very much enjoy reading your posts, I have to admit that I appreciate the 'reminder' your e-mails provide. Remembering would be so much easier if I wasn't forgetting all the time - lol.
    As for the main part of your post, I also am sorry to hear that you lost your treasured notebook. As I've noted previously, you carrying a notebook was one of the first things I noticed when meeting you. Very easy for me to say that 'maybe it will turn up' but that's the eternal optimist in me. I've always said that despite it hardy ever happening. And while the full content of the notebook may never be able to be duplicated, I have to believe that some of what was contained in its pages will come to mind every now and again and you'll be able to recreate part of what was lost. Keep the faith, my friend. And please keep writing and sharing and posting. And I, too, appreciate your efforts and look forward to the next installment and all that we know will follow.

    1. RRGRMG; Thanks for commiserating. Bigger thanks for your words of encouragement about me continuing to post. It's affirming to know you "...look forward to the next installment".

  3. Hi Pat. I concur with all of the above and also commiserate with you. I am sure fragments of what was in your notebook will come back - often for me, one thought leads to another. It might sound far fetched but have you considered hypnosis?

    1. Ines; Thanks for comment; I hope you are right that some of what I captured will come back, in one form or the other.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh bloody hell. Sorry this happened to you.

    1. Lori; A comment that stuck! Finally! Yeah, this was a bummer but puny in the grand scheme. Good to see you on the bell curve.
