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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Pause Before Curdling

Thanks to a thoughtful gift I received last Christmas, the last eight months have turned me into a hardcore devotee of Little Steven's Underground Garage, one of the many stations available via Sirius satellite radio. If you have satellite radio, which station is your most dedicated jones?

Since late last year, one of the pleasures for me has been little Steven himself, even when he prattles on too much. But recently, my enjoyment of Sil's patter (with a nod to the Sopranos fans among you) has begun to  dissipate a little. I started out marveling at little Steven's depth of knowledge, however esoteric. Then I began wondering: How many research assistants are likely behind the scenes feeding stuff to him, helping him sound uber-cool and informed in the process? I know I sound churlish and maybe little Steven does all his own research. But I don't think so. If you've listened to this station, what do you think?

I have no plans to stop listening to little Steven. Some of the musical ephemera he routinely dishes has already come in handy in music courses I teach. And I want to believe he has a hand in some or most of the songs used during his segments on the station. Was the original concept for the station his? I hope so. I don't want to be too much of a skeptic or worse, curdle into reflexive cynicism. 

Open note to little Steven: If all that patter results from your own hard work, apologies in advance from this churlish and unknown blogger. And, even if you knew just 50% of that rock n' roll flotsam before you became a DJ, can I buy you lunch and pick your jam-packed brain?  


  1. Good morning, Pat. I have become a Sirius/XM junkie. My wife and I can both say that we are. The numerous available stations and ability to not lose reception no matter where we travel (with noted exceptions to those mysterious 'dead zones' that pop up from time to time), at least to us, is worth the price of the annual subscription. However, before this comment turns into a promotion to sign up for Sirius/XM (which I am certain would not come with any commission - lol), I will get back to your questions.
    I enjoy Little Steven's Underground Garage. It's one of my favorite/saved stations. I also very much enjoy On Broadway, The Beatles Channel, 60's on 6 - just to name just a few.
    And I agree that Steve can prattle on a bit - maybe too much at times (can I say that?) - but the stories are so interesting that most times I don't notice how long he's talked for but rather what he's talked about.
    What I find more disturbing of late, is the sometimes limited playlists. But as I roam from station to station - as I also tend to channel surf on TV at home - the different stations help to resolve any limitations. I remember hearing once, and sadly I don't recall who may have said this first, but (and I'm definitely paraphrasing) 'Men aren't interested in what's on. They're interested in what 'else' is on'.
    I don't plan on stopping listening to Little Steven either. In addition to the stories he shares, I have become a big fan of his music and stylings. I had the pleasure of meeting him once when I was working. He needed assistance and I was in the right place at the right time. Remind me to show you the picture he was nice enough to take with me.
    Be well,

    1. Bob; Thanks for the comment. I guess I haven't yet listed to Sirius enough to notice the "limited playlists" you've picked up on. I've been switching to "Deep Tracks" whenever something tired comes on. Neat anecdote re Little Steven. Remind me to share a few of my Jersey Boy music connections with you when we see each other later this month.
