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Monday, May 2, 2022

Daniel Woodrell

 Reflections From The Bell Curve: Authors To Savor

Although it may not be kind to say it, because I aspire to be as good a writer as I can be, some authors are worth reading and others are not.  

A quick search of my 2100 posts turned up five mentions of Daniel Woodrell's stunning novel The Maid's Version (2013) - including my first, at the top - and my most recent, from 2019, below. After just seven pages of Winter's Bone (2006), Woodrell ascended into a small group of authors I know will help me become a better writer. Except for the perpetual unruliness of my "to read" list, I can't fathom why it took me so long to return to Woodrell. 

"Ree tried to hold her Uncle's gaze but blinked uncontrollably. It was like staring at something fanged and coiled without a stick at hand."

With respect to books, I remain committed to a belief held since the inception of this blog: Until I complete and publish my own first full-length book, I have not earned the right to bash the work of any author who has accomplished what I have not, even if that author has little to offer me. In the meanwhile, I've got the future books and back catalogs of authors like Daniel Woodrell to help keep me growing as a writer. 

Reflections From The Bell Curve: The Power Of Stories



  1. Good afternoon, Pat. And Happy Mothers Day to Kim. Although I am not familiar with Daniel Woodrell's writing, I am intrigued with the quote you posted. I've always been fascinated with an authors ability to paint such a descriptive picture with words. A feeling I also have with a number of playwrights. Along with your feeling that you 'have not earned the right to bash anyone's work', I share that feeling when seeing a play that I may not care for. Despite what I feel about the play/story, I always admire an actors ability to do the work needed for the performance. And, rest assured, Mr. Woodrell will now be added to my - continuing to grow - list of books to read.
    Be well,

    1. Bob; Thanks for both the Mothers Day wish and the comment. That descriptive ability authors have that you referred to here is one of the main reasons why reading widely has always had such an appeal to me. I encourage you to add Woodrell to your growing list while at the same time caution you to not let that list get too big lest it starts feeling like a burden.
