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Sunday, May 15, 2022

I'm Waiting ...

Had I crowed before Time Traveler's Wife aired moments ago, I could have ended up with egg on my face if my daughter's role were then edited out of the episode. Anyone familiar with how fickle show business can be will appreciate why I waited until now to say something.

However, I now fully expect everyone who reads this post to immediately get HBO Max - or at least borrow someone else's password - to watch my daughter's performance about thirty-five minutes into this first episode of the season. Then, feel free to use breathless language when you write about her via a comment on this post. I'll wait ...

What took you so long? 

ALISON BARTON (hialisonbarton.com)


  1. Good afternoon, Pat. Having read the book, and watched the movie, I was anxiously waiting for the series to begin. As has been the case with shows lately - so many to watch, so little time - we have taken to using the DVR more frequently and then binge watching shows 2-3 episodes at a time. After reading your post, of course, I had to watch this episode. A number of directors I have worked with over the years have said that the better (Best? Good?) actors don't look like they are acting at all. They become the role, the part. Allison has an ease about her when she is on camera. A very natural sense of belonging in the moment, in the scene. After watching the Time Travelers Wife I looked at some of her other work and .. to be direct .. she is very good. There are always things that can be taught. Always ways to improve in no matter what one is learning, doing, etc. But some things have to come naturally ... Alison has a gift. Here's to her long career.
    Be well,

    1. "Anonymous" Bob; Your kind words about my daughter and her "gift" are obviously much appreciated. Thanks for that and - again and again - your faithful patronage of my blog.

  2. Thanks for watching, dad you're the best.

    1. Alison; I'm so proud of you. Did you see the beautiful comment above from "Anonymous Bob"?
