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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Muse About To Be Born

Egotistical impulses aside, I do try to resist re-reading my older posts. However, the pleasant surprises that frequently await me when I do so - a turn of phrase that satisfies, an insightful comment from a reader, and most rewarding, recalling what inspired a post in the first place - sometimes reinforce my solipsistic urges. Closing the confession booth now. 

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the inspirations I'm referring to often spring from a conversation or some kind of interaction with one of the many people who enrich my life. When one of those people recently described how becoming a grandparent is guaranteed to transform me, her words moved me to tears. I wondered: Will my imminent membership in a club that everyone reveres - days away now - become my newest source of inspiration? Based on what happened when my daughter entered the world and how much she has brought to my life since 1989, I'm reasonably sure it will. 

Here's something I anticipate with joy. Years from now, I'll stumble across an old post - maybe this one? - celebrating my first grandchild. I'll then be driven to do a search using "grandchild" as the keyword. Several dozen posts will pop up. I'll re-read them all and feel no guilt about it.  


  1. Lovely post. Your life will be transformed and enriched beyond measure! Welcome to the club!

    1. Ines; Thanks for the comment and the gracious feedback about the post itself. You are among the folks I was referring to here when I mentioned that club everybody reveres.

  2. Hey Pat. Exciting time. I absolutely and totally agree with Ms. Ines. Your lives are about to be 'transformed and enriched beyond measure!!' Welcome to the Club, indeed. Congratulations !! I have no doubt that your soon to be written blog post about being a grandparent will a great one. Can't wait to read it.
    Be well ...

    1. Bob; Thanks again. Turns out my next post could well be about my new grandson given my daughter went into labor earlier this evening. Stay closely tuned.
