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Friday, October 4, 2024

Dilemma #1

Right around the time he was born last night, I began reflecting on what the world might be like in 2098, the year my new grandson is the same age I am now. Those of you with grandchildren: Ever let your mind wander this way? What have you envisioned?

When any of my reflections began meandering toward a doomsday scenario of any stripe, I willed myself to return to hope. And I quickly discovered the best way to do that was by focusing on the certainty that the unknowable future my grandson will live through - calamities aside - will continue to produce memorable literature and music, both of which have given me immeasurable joy. Thus, my first dilemma as a grandfather: Tomorrow - when I'm with him for the first time - do I read a book before or after the first song I play?    

But back to 2098. Will people still be listening to George Gershwin's music seventy-four years from now?  I believe they will - more cause for hope. Will Oliver Twist's story continue to enchant readers? I think it will. Isn't thinking about the lives of our grandchildren through the filter of memorable music & literature preferable to wondering if wars will ever end, etc.? 

I'm sticking with this plan. 


  1. Good morning, Grandpa. Or whatever you will be called, eventually. And … CONGRATULATIONS to you, Kim, Alison, her husband (apologies for not recalling his name) and your new grandson!!
    To the questions in your post today, I have wondered about these things. I have let my mind wander to what the unknown future holds. And whenever any negative thoughts arise, I immediately halt them in their tracks and wish for every positive thing I can think of … for my grandsons as well as for my children. Too easy, especially with the current political climate, to have those negative thoughts, but with hope and joy on the horizon it’s possible to allow myself to think more positively.
    To your other questions, people will undoubtedly be listening to Gershwin and reading Oliver Twist. Classics will remain. I believe that to my core.
    Ironically, I was listening to the Moody Blues ‘To Our Children’s, Children’s Children’ just the other day. They would be my grandsons children. And I wish the same positive thoughts for them as well.
    Congratulations again!!
    Be well and safe travels.

    1. Bob; Thanks for the comment and well wishes. The Moody Blues, huh?

  2. Such a beautiful plan, Pat. I’m in!

    Congratulations to all your family and thank you for bringing a new beautiful person to our planet to make it better.

    Enjoy your truly momentous first visit. I’d say music first always.


    1. "Anonymous" Janet; Thanks for the comment, the well wishes, and affirmation of my plan.

  3. Congratulations! I too think about these things and come back to hope and joy. It is indeed a beautiful plan. Within the next few years I hope to be a great-grandmother which is mind boggling for me.

    1. Ines; Great grandfather is definitely not in my future; good for you that you have being a great grandparent to look forward to. Coming back to hope and joy is always preferable to wallowing in its opposite.

  4. Congratulations to your family. What is the little guy's name? I think I've said this to you before, but I have a friend who says that being a grandparent is the only thing in life that isn't overrated. I agree. Having just become a great grandfather, I am inclined to thoughts like yours, wondering what the future holds for these little tykes. Let's hope they have some good ideas, because I don't share your optimism for the future of our planet.

    1. Hey Jim; Happened to be answering yesterday's comments here at 5:30 a.m. Pacific time and saw the one you wrote just moments ago at 8:15 a.m. EST so it's almost like we're talking to each other in real time - weird. And though I've always avoided using names in my posts or in my responses to comments from readers , I'm glad to make an exception today. Say hello to Leo. Thanks for your comment.
