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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Friday, October 25, 2024

Small Successes in Patstan

For years now, I've regularly tweaked the layout on my home page to make use of the widgets called Featured Post and Popular Posts. Sincere thanks to those of you who have clicked any of the posts that have appeared under either heading, no matter how infrequently.

Because of Blogger's robust analytics, it's easy to know how many new views these posts get. For some time, my arbitrary threshold for changing the Featured Post widget - located on the left of the home page - has been to do so after that single post gets twenty new views. When that happens, it reminds me to switch the grouping of Popular Posts - "all time", over the last year, last thirty, or last seven dayslocated on the right side

I have no way of knowing how many of those views mean someone has actually read the featured post I've exhumed from my archives. But based on new comments received and offline responses, I'm often confident at least a few people are paying attention, sometimes. Call me needy; I consider this a small success, my version of getting a royalty check for .50 for a song that was popular sometime in the 60s and got some recent airplay or sold a record or two in a bargain bin in Omaha. Except, I don't get paid; oh well - details. 

Unpaid royalties aside, there have been more than a few days I've been sustained by someone who reacts to an old post, featured or "popular". And though I've been tempted to edit my old work more times than I can count, it has also been gratifying when an old post gets a reaction but holds up under my scrutiny - another small success. What small successes have you recently had?


  1. Hey Pat. Can't say that I've clicked on every one of the older posts when they are referenced, but there are many times I was glad that I did. And I'm not much of an analytic's kind of a guy and I'm not sure if my 'clicks' are helping you in any way. But, as I have said previously, I've only been a reader of your Blog for the past few years so there are definitely more posts that I have not read than I have so ... the older posts when referenced in a current post gives me the chance to 'go back into the archives' as it were. And for that - thank you.
    Be well,

    1. Bob; I appreciate anytime you take the time to click on something from my archives, no matter how infrequently. As an FYI, if you make a comment on an old post, it goes to the top of the comment queue, along with all the comments you & others make on "current" posts. That means I'll see it and , as always, will respond to what you write. So if one of these oldies sometimes goodies inspires you to comment, please do so.
