Being as goal-driven as I am, when I started this blog back in March, I had some measures of success in my head. But the discipline of posting most days has produced creative benefits in me I did not anticipate. Those benefits have led me to adjust my success measures and continue even when I'm feeling a little discouraged.
The creative benefits I mentioned have not been the only surprise. Although I post most days, I only share a post with my Facebook network about once a week. Even so, two of my most viewed posts are ones I did not publicize via Facebook meaning they were otherwise "discovered" - cool.
(Because this particular post is not going to my Facebook network, I figured it was low risk being so self-referential here - sorry if you already read either of the above)
And another reason I've continued despite not reaching some of my initial goals? It's possible being public about some of my own foibles might reach someone in a way I will never know. Like many people, I want to believe I'm making a difference, however small.
I like reading this blog because it gives me real insight into who you are, and that's your contribution to my experience!