"Violence is a tool of the ignorant." - Mahatma Gandhi
Well, on the other hand …
Although I've lived my life believing Gandhi was essentially right - and with a notable exception or two, avoided being violent - I've recently been harboring some disturbing second thoughts about the oft quoted words above.
"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God." - Matthew 5:9
Yeah, but …
I guess maybe I'm not headed to the pearly gates to join Gandhi or Martin. Here's the rub: Don't those evil oppressors get away with their garbage a lot longer partly because history has mythologized the peacemakers, especially the martyred ones?
"All we are saying … is give peace a chance." - John Lennon
John: Loved your music, admired your ideals. However …
With respect to war, I'm still with you. But, some of the ugly stuff bubbling to the surface here in the land of the free is beginning to persuade me that John Brown's and Nat Turner's techniques got the focused attention of the cretins a bit faster than the methods you or Mahatma or Martin used. I get that the backlash John and Nat unleashed was brutal and probably hurt the cause more than helped it.
Still …
Excellent points! Still...