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Friday, July 24, 2020

A Worthy Goal

About two years ago, Won't You Be My Neighbor moved me so deeply I felt obligated to evangelize about it here, soon after seeing it. Yet, as touching as that earlier documentary about Fred Rogers was, the recently released It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - with Tom Hanks as Rogers - is even richer. And before they begin, I'll beat the cynics to the punch. It's undeniably true no one would - nor is it likely anyone ever will - describe me as stoic. A good Marine I'm not. Overly emotional at times? Guilty as charged.

Still, I challenge anyone with a pulse and even a scintilla of good will to watch this new release and not get choked up at least once. Aside from Hanks - and who else could possibly play this role? -  a rock solid script, and the always reliable Chris Cooper in a small supporting role, Matthew Rhys hits it out of the park as a damaged, misanthropic writer unable to resist Rogers's empathy and humanity.

Fred Rogers made the world a better place. He personified grace. Aspiring to emulate his model is a goal I'm proud to call my own. Begin again, Pat.



  1. Not having seen either of these films yet (emphasis on 'Yet'), I'm only able to comment on what I know from watching Mr. Rogers as a child and being able to introduce it to my own kids when they were young. I have to admit that I was probably a little more excited than they were at that time as I was very much looking forward to not only revisiting my youth, but being able to spend time with Mr. Rogers again. Such wonderful and innocent days.
    Looking at the current state of the world, and especially our own Country, I had to copy and paste what you wrote in your Blog from 2 years ago ... 'Fred Rogers embodied grace; he was a gentle and loving soul whose legacy will outlive that of every foul-tempered, mean-spirited loudmouth who screams at us and scares children in our increasingly uncivil world.'
    This definitely applied at that time and probably even more now. Hopefully it will be 'A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood' again soon.
    Always great to read your posts.

    1. Anonymous; I can say without exaggeration that when I began this blog in March 2011 I was hoping to connect with thoughtful readers like you. Thank you for your kind feedback but a bigger thanks for your pertinent comment that accurately and vulnerably responds to the spirit of yesterday's post and the one from two years earlier. You made my day, without any doubt.
