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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Rogue Scholars

As is the case often when away from home, any reflections from the bell curve between tomorrow and October 25 will depend on WIFI service. Because even when fingers and brain are ready, in order to entertain you with pithy observations, annoy you with cranky rants, or otherwise enthrall you, a signal is required. 

The last time we re-united with the late-in-life soulmates we first connected with in Alaska in 2015 was in Acadia National Park around this time last year. This time the sixteen of us are meeting at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico, a magical location noted for being the site of many of the landscape paintings featured in Georgia O'Keefe's work. 

This reunion - #6 for our newly dubbed group, the Rogue Scholars - promises to be as varied and stimulating as all our previous outings. In addition to the hikes, presentations, and fellowship, I'm excited about moderating a book discussion on Willa Cather's Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927) for a group as smart as this one. And if a guitar ends up finding its way to Ghost Ranch - as one of my new friends has said it might - I'll be leading a singalong to the melody of Moon River using the lyrics below. 

Rogue Scholars - older than the dirt, with joints that often hurt at night.

We share stories; we laugh with such ease. 

Wherever we end up, it always feels right.

Some birders - some who like to cook; much older than we look, (we dream!)

We're building this bond: something real, strong as any steel, each one of us can feel -

Rogue Scholars, our team. 

Hope to be reflecting while on the road but if not, I'll see you later in October. Do you miss me yet? 


  1. Good afternoon, Pat. As you are on your trip as I write this, I hope you are all having a good time and enjoying your time away. But I am also very sure that you are base don your previous posts about this group of friends. Now if I can only get this song out of my head ... lol
    Be well. Enjoy.

    1. Bob; Thanks for two comments in one day. Have to say I'm pleased that song is in your head.
