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Monday, August 28, 2023

A Legacy of Love

"The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough of is love." - Henry Miller

Over your lifetime, how would you say the love you've sought vs. the love you've given supports or refutes Miller's wise words? Pretend for a minute that a scale exists. much like the one we've all seen held by the blind-folded woman measuring justice. If you were able to put all the love you've sought on one side of that scale and all the love you've given on the other, in which direction would your scale tip?

Months ago, I first noticed that Miller quote under my new son-in-law's e-mail signature. Ever since, the questions opening and closing my first paragraph above have been gnawing at me. And I wasn't fully comfortable asking you what your scale might look like until I was ready to formulate an answer for myself.

I've always considered myself a person who loves easily and openly. But if that scale I'm asking you to envision actually did exist, I suspect mine might tip more on the seeking side vs. the giving. On the other hand, maybe none of us are capable of answering questions like this about ourselves. Instead, is it possible the people closest to us are the ones better equipped to provide an answer? If that is so, I've got some folks to talk to, and you can do the same if you wish. I'll look forward to hearing what you discover. 

In the meanwhile, I do hope this much: If, after I'm gone, those who were closest to me say my scale was at least evenly balanced, being remembered that way is a legacy I welcome. You?  

"And, in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." - Lennon & McCartney


  1. Hello, Pat. For me the scale would tip somewhat differently depending on what/who it is referencing. For example, and as most, if not all, parents would attest, the love for your children would tip the scale almost to falling over for the love I give. For my grandchildren, it might actually tip a bit further. For my wife .. interestingly, and as much as I love her, I honestly believe she may love me a little more which makes me one hell of a lucky person. Don't know how that happened, but it's definitely something I am not going to question. After all, why tempt fate, right - lol
    Be well,

    1. Hey Bob; Yeah, the parent thing definitely tips that scale more on the giving side. Thanks for the honest comment.
