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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Taught By The Best

What is your most reliable strategy for shaking off a bad day? All I have to do is stop and reflect on the relationship I have with my thirty-year-old daughter.

That reflecting often brings me back to my parents. Although my parents came from a generation not known for discussing feelings or considering the "relationship" they had with their children, I still fantasize about having a conversation with them about those things. Sometimes that fantasy includes telling them about the intense bond my daughter and I share. Oddly, at other times in my pretend conversations with my folks, I'll underplay that bond. Am I worried their feelings might be hurt if the bond they felt with me wasn't as intense?

My parents were terrific. I can't recall an instance when I ever felt unloved or under-valued. There's no doubt they taught me - without realizing they were doing so - to be the kind of parent who could develop the kind of bond my daughter and I have.


  1. Wish I could have known your mom, but the love and pride your dad felt for all of you was so obviously shown in his eyes every time I saw him with you! ❤️

    1. Kelly; Thanks for the comment and the your memory of my Dad's obvious pride in all of us. His legacy (and my Mom's) now lives on.
