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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Monday, March 14, 2022

Moving Into Adolescence

When I published Maiden Voyage eleven years ago tomorrow, I had no inkling of how this blog would subsequently affect my life. Could this writing outlet help me tap into a creative reservoir I'd always felt churning inside? Would a public discipline assist me in being more accountable about producing something on a regular basis? If I remained committed and consistent, would my ability to express myself in writing improve?

As Reflections from the Bell Curve moves into its adolescence, the answer to the first two questions above is an unqualified "yes". Several posts have acted as the catalyst for other creative endeavors. For example, I've completed the writing of more songs since 2011 than in the twenty years that preceded the inception of my blog. Even better, some of those songs are actually worth recording. And being accountable in a public way has assisted me to extract more from other disciplines in my life, all of which I began years before I started blogging. My reading, my guitar playing, my meditation practice all seem richer. Even if I'm imagining these enhancements, what does it matter? 

As I do each year on - or a day before - this anniversary, please tell me how I can continue to deserve your support. What can I do more or less of? I can think of no better way both to retain readers and to improve my ability to express myself in writing than by continuous feedback from those who take precious time to read me. I welcome your feedback, always. If my blog makes it into adulthood - circa 2031 - let's be sure to celebrate together.

        Reflections From The Bell Curve: Maiden Voyage


  1. Personally I can tell you that I look forward to your Blog Posts. And while I may not always get to comment as quickly as I would like, or comment on each post, I find each read to be interesting in different ways. For example ... What books are you reading or have read, what films, what music? Each of your posts (at least to me) result in a different reaction based on content. But I find it interesting to hear your perspective and see how it may/may not be similar to mine. These alone will have me continue to read each post and provide comment where I feel I can add something to the discussion. Saying to 'just keep doing what you're doing' sounds very easy, but, for me, it's working just fine. Again, I may not offer comment on each post, and some days I may read 2 or 3 that have been received, but I continue to look forward to reading them and will definitely look even more forward to the celebration in 2031.
    Be well,

    1. "Anonymous" Bob; Your support and positive feedback mean a great deal to me. As for your numerous and frequent comments? Can't thank you enough for those; I look forward to them.
