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Saturday, January 7, 2023

Released Into the Public Domain

You'd think that having a daughter in the film industry - one who has partnered BTW in writing and directing some funny stuff - would mean brilliant comic ideas like mine might find a home. For over ten years I've been telling my beloved only child that the confusion 21st century public restrooms present for those of us born in the preceding century has potential for a puerile comedy routine. Alas, my brilliance has gone unheeded. I've decided releasing my foolproof idea into the public domain is my best hope for posterity - however pathetic - though doing so could significantly reduce my daughter's inheritance. You've been warned, sweetheart.

Let's start at the entrance to a public restroom. Automatic door? If no, does touching the doorknob compel the germophobes among us to wash their hands before taking care of business? If yes - germophobe or not - is the soap dispenser hands-free? Do you flail for the water you need to be released from a hands-free sink or is it necessary to manually manipulate a quaint faucet? Is there a towel dispenser in addition to or in lieu of that deafening automatic dryer? Does the dispenser require the same hand flailing as the soap dispenser or the sink or is that manual as well?  

Onto the stall. How far into the 21st century will we journey before those doors are automatic? Will they lock by themselves? Toilet paper - manual or automated? How long does one politely wait while listening to an endless cell phone conversation before asking when the stall might be available? To whom do I submit a complaint about having to endure advertisements - scrolling or otherwise - while on the throne? Less delicately, both genders: How many times has the automatic flush mechanism done its business before you've finished yours due to a slight lift of your derriere? Men only: How easy is it to forget to flush the urinal, given how many are automatic? 

Out of the stall. Refer back to paragraph #2, starting at the third question, assuming you practice reasonable restroom hygiene. Are you in favor - as I am - of a statutory requirement that everything should be either automated or manual? I've lost count how many times I've flailed at sinks or hand towel dispensers before realizing one or the other required the use of my opposable thumbs. And then back to leaving the restroom. Automatic door or doorknob? Is another soap dispenser and sink and hand drying routine needed in the hall? Which one of the three are automated vs. lo-tech? How much can any reasonable person stand, especially those born before the new millennium began?   


  1. The derriere part is LOL!

    1. Ines; Always happy to provide a laugh. Thanks for reading.

  2. I think you should have a sink in the bathroom, in the hall, and Al fresco near your car!

    1. That might help the hand washing thing - provided all three were EITHER manual or hands free - but it doesn't address the stall issues, particularly the automatic flushing thing that sprays your derriere unexpectedly.

  3. I don't know if you noticed but many public bathrooms in bars and resturants have installed a "foot door opener". Here is a link to a site that I think is one of the first sellers of this type of product: https://www.stepnpull.com/. This is not an automatic opener but if you use it you will not have to use your hands to open a door using a hand pull.

    One thing that bothers me is those bathrooms with the giant roll of toilet paper that is almost impossible to use because the roll is so heavy and will not turn. You pull on the end and you only end up with a square or sometime less than a square. Then you need to reach in to the small opening to try to find the end so that you can get more. Very frustrating.

    My favorite thing to do in the bathroom for all those annoying people that have conversations on their cell phone is to continuesly flush the toilet until they either leave or hang up.

    1. Chris; Thanks for the comment. I almost included a bit about those infuriating toilet paper rolls that don't fit in the dispenser but I didn't want my rant to turn into a short story. BTW, I love your strategy for "flushing" out those obnoxious cell phone users. Will begin implementing that one immediately, waste of water notwithstanding.

  4. Good morning, Pat. Had to stop laughing before I could comment. Always an interesting and somewhat difficult dilemma - The Public Restroom. I am in agreement with all of your listed concerns/ideas, as well as the other comments offered. How about what I have heard others refer to as the 'hover' maneuver when one has to sit to do their business. Are those seat covers ever enough? Is there ever enough coverage for the seat? Are they even available? Sadly most times the answer to that question is 'No'. Perhaps we could take a lesson from The Jetsons. They always seem to be able to find a solution.
    Be well,

    1. Bob; I'm always pleased making someone laugh. And though the "hover" maneuver is not directly linked to the 20th (manual) vs 21st century (hands-free) split, it is something that could be easily fit into the comedy routine that my daughter needs to strongly consider writing & directing. An Oscar (or at least an Olga) surely awaits her if she'd just follow her dear old Dad's flawless advice.
