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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Killing Curiosity

Curiosity killed the cat. 

Of all the maxims de-constructed here on the bell curve since the inception of my blog, the one above is perhaps my easiest target to date. Who would seriously want to live by these words? Which of you parents think discouraging your children about being curious is a good idea? Does telling a child - telling anyone - they could die via curiosity strike anybody as wise counsel?  

While I'm at it, how did the inventor of this proverb - according to Wikpedia, that was Ben Jonson in the 16th century - figure out the cat was killed by curiosity? How did Ben - how does anyone - find out what it was that motivated something that's dead? And, even if someone thought to ask in advance, i.e., before the cat was actually dead, what was motivating said cat, who does the person to cat translation?

If enough of us continue to reflexively repeat this boneheaded adage for another five hundred years, one unintended consequence could be the killing of curiosity itself, felines aside. Which maxim, proverb, or adage would you nominate for the trash heap? I submit this one is well past its expiration date.

Reflections From The Bell Curve: Two Adages Ready For The Trash Heap

Reflections From The Bell Curve: Messing With A Maxim



  1. Good morning, Pat. Not sure how any of these sayings got their start, or as you ask, why? And your previous posts certainly add to the confusion with those that you referenced. There are so many others that could probably be added to this list. And I'm not sure if this one has ever found its way into the mainstream, but my mom always used to say 'Do as I say, not as I do'. As I grew older I began to realize that maybe she just should not be doing those things she was doing in front of us - lol. It certainly would have taken the need for her statement out of the conversation. And, for my usual aside, where did some of the lyrics for children's nursery rhymes originate? Case in point - 'Rock a Bye Baby'. Take a quick listen, as I'm sure you may be singing it in your head. Somewhat cruel when you break it down.
    Be well,

    1. Hey Bob; Your Mom's adage, which definitely is "mainstream", is another one ready to be jettisoned, in my view. I may well use it in a future iteration of this series so thanks for reminding me about it. And thanks also for taking the time to read the old posts I attached at the bottom of this one. There is more where that came from, but I'll spare you.
