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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Monday, February 20, 2023

A Half-Century Ago

A half-century ago ...

For me, being able to legitimately use that phrase can be gratifying or unsettling. It depends on the kind of day I'm having and the context.  

Having a lot of life behind me has given me some perspective, I hope. Lessons I've learned can be useful to people younger than me who are willing to listen. With others in my age cohort who are grounded and thoughtful, discussions using that phrase can remind me of history we've all lived and the progress we've made. I'm grateful both for that progress and for all the good fortune my long life has given me.   

Though time was always a finite resource, that phrase also brings that inescapable fact into sharper focus. On some days, a half-century rewind reminds me of roads not taken and young-adult missteps. The news can leave me unsettled, especially when events I've already seen are repeating themselves and people around me - including some purporting to report the news - respond with denial.  

In February 1973 I was twenty-three years old, making my living as a musician. Today, being able to clearly recall myself a half-century ago is gratifying. 


  1. Good afternoon, Pat. Hope you're all doing well. 'A Half Century Ago ...' I was a sophomore in HS and, as I'm sure most of us would say, had not a care in the world. I would imagine what party to go to for the coming weekend was high on the list but other than that ... I do recall there were times when we would think about how old we were going to be in the year 2000 !! Gasp !!! But that was more fun that anything else and, at the time, sounded quite old to my 16 year old self. What gets me now is the reality that 1973 is as far away from 2023 as 1973 is to 1923 .. again . GASP !! However, like you my friend, I am glad to Cleary recall what I was doing 'a half century ago'.
    Be well,

    1. Hey Bob; Intriguing that you should mention that 2023-1973-1923 bit. I just finished a provocative book called "How the Beatles Destroyed Rock 'N' Roll" that traces 20th century popular music's trajectory and the author (Elijah Wald) use that same analogy (book was published about ten years ago) when he talks about the Beatles being almost as far away in music history as the music of the early 1900s was when they were in their heyday. A worthwhile book, BTW, despite the title, which initially turned me off. Thanks for the comment and adding another part of your history.
