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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Monday, February 27, 2023

How Can I Help?

How can I help?

How much more humane our world might become if each of us took the time to ask that question of a person who appeared in some way to be struggling. What prevents any of us from doing such a simple thing? 

I've recently decided on a practical way to overcome my timidity: Pay much closer attention to people I know and begin by asking one of them. Starting this way is likely to make it easier to follow through on whatever is asked of me. And if I am able to then give the help asked of me, perhaps I'll be on my way to asking more often and broadening the mission beyond people I know. 

As soon as I complete the first thing asked of me, I plan to report back here. I've also decided to turn this question into my newest series. I know from years of experience that declaring a public pledge here on my blog greatly enhances my chances for getting started, which tends to be the hardest part. I hope some of you will join me. How can asking this question yield anything other than a net positive for our world? 

How can I help?


  1. This is why I love you! You are so generous with your spirit and time. Keep helping, it inspires the people around you to follow suit.

    1. I guess since you love me you are not really anonymous. Thanks for the comment.

  2. Hello again, Pat. That is a wonderful thought, sentiment, question .. Whatever you want to call it. And something that, if more and more felt that way, how wonderful things would be. I find that I don't always 'ask' the question as opposed to seeing an opportunity to help and just doing it. Helping someone put groceries in their car, reaching up to grab something that a person can't reach, giving up a seat, letting someone go ahead of me ... Nothing that grand, but each small thing makes a difference, makes the person feel better, and makes me feel better about myself. It's so easy it makes it more and more curious why it doesn't happen more often.
    Be well,

    1. Bob; Thanks (again) for three comments in a day. I must admit I look forward to your frequent comments and welcome an opportunity to respond and "interact" with you digitally. I especially like here how you describe just "jumping in" when you sense someone needs help without being asked. Knowing you the little I do, I'm not at all surprised to learn that that is your habit. You are a kind and thoughtful man. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  3. In line at Walmart, behind me was a man using an electric scooter with a regular cart in tow. After promising he wouldn’t ran over me, he launched into a description of his life’s work - skillfully maneuvering huge military planes into tight hangars for service and testing tractor trailer drivers working to keep their CDL. I offered to help him put his groceries on the belt. He said “No, thanks. I can do it.” I think he already had the help he needed - a new ear for his stories.

    1. Anonymous; Great story; thanks for the comment.

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