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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Is "Esque" Good Enough?

Several months ago, someone who knows me well remarked that many of the reflections here were "vintage Pat." Although I'm sure the remark was made with little or no forethought, I've since turned it over in my brain repeatedly. Such is the curse of a good memory, augmented by a big ego, combined with a lifelong habit of writing down morsels I think might later be useful.  

Initially, I decided what this person really meant to say was that my blog is "Barton-ish". Then, as time went by, I decided that expression was selling myself short. My next conclusion: Surely these musings could be called "Bartonian". That elevated adjective - placing me alongside Henry James in the literary firmament - struck me as more appropriate, for a while anyway.

Most recently I've arrived at "Bartonesque". For the time being, that sobriquet strikes me as closer to the actual intent of the original remark. However, my groveling knows no bounds. What are your suggestions for turning me into an adjective? Please save the profane ones for a blogger you don't like. 


  1. Maybe Patois-ish? Patricky? Bartonoid?

    1. Thanks Anonymous. Although I hadn't considered turning my first name into an adjective, after your apt suggestions, I probably will.

  2. Good morning, Pat. Welcome to May. I can agree with someone using the term 'vintage Pat'. From the show time that I've known you, it fits, along with some common sayings - see 'no talking' - lol. But in more direct reference to todays blog post, may I suggest: 'Pat-isms', 'Patricks' or perhaps 'Bartonologies' to maybe sum up a collection of sayings, posts, comments, etc ... .
    Be well

    1. Hey Bob; Nice. However, now you've sent me down a different - if equally self-referential - rabbit hole, i.e., naming my "stuff" AND using nouns to do so. I was already egotistically pre-occupied with adjectives and now I've got nouns to contend with. Yikes!

  3. I like Bob's suggestion of Pat-isms

    1. Anonymous; Thanks for the comment but .. see my response to Bob directly above.
