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Monday, June 19, 2023



I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I was not aware until quite recently that Juneteenth was officially declared a national holiday in June 2021. Although my life was topsy-turvy those first four months of 2021, by June some semblance of normalcy had returned, so what can I offer as an excuse? The continuing fog of Covid-19? Gas at $5 a gallon? Mulling over the cost of my daughter's wedding the following year?

Reflecting on this leading up to today, I concluded the public marking of this significant date in American history passed me by for a simple reason: I'm white. I don't expect any white person I know to say they too were unaware of a national holiday that is now two years old. I also have no plans to further embarrass myself by asking my one close black friend if he knew Joe Biden signed this into law two years back.

But forced to wager, I'd say there's a better than even chance this piece of history did not escape that close friend. My second bet: There will be a sizeable number of white people surprised today to find their public library closed.   


  1. Love how thoughtful you are.

  2. Good morning, Pat. Hope this finds you all doing well. I, too, have to admit to being somewhat unaware of the National Holiday being declared. Although I was aware of the State holiday in NJ - Governor Murphy declared in September 2020 that the holiday would fall on the third Friday of the month. No matter how/when/where it was declared I'm sure we all agree of the importance of the date and the need for it being recognized.
    Be well,

    1. Hey Bob; Thanks for both your comment and your honesty. I wasn't aware Governor Murphy's declaration preceded the National Holiday either so thanks for educating me. Gotta love our home state, no? Almost always ahead of the curve.
