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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Words for the Trash Can

Since May 2017 I've published thirty blog posts under the heading Words for the Ages, each featuring a short phrase lifted from a song lyric. All the phrases I've selected capture what I feel is some universal truth. My criteria have remained the same for seven years: The phrase must be terse enough to be easily remembered and also able to stand alone, i.e., not necessarily dependent on a rhyme to complete the pithy thought being expressed. And each time I've ask for your nominations of other lyrics from whichever songwriter I've featured. 

Today I'm making a different request. Please nominate a terse lyric - by any songwriter - that you feel can top the bolded one directly below for wrongheaded arrogance. Think of this as the antithesis of words for the ages. Words for the trash can, perhaps? 

"Everybody knows the world is full of stupid people."

The first thing I wondered months back upon hearing Ryan Hamilton's obnoxious pronouncement in his otherwise OK song Banditos was how old he was. Early in my reflections, it's likely I was giving this up-and-coming songwriter the benefit of the doubt via recalling some of the stupid things I said - maybe even thought - in my young adult years, although even then I didn't pen a lyric that dumb. Then as more time went by, the "everybody" in this lyric began gnawing at me. Aside from being reliably inaccurate, the lazy use of absolutes signals to others a writer who has trouble with nuance. In a young person, this is troubling. In an older person, inexcusable. 

Age aside, did Hamilton have his tongue in his cheek when he wrote this phrase? I hope he did. Still, I've made it my mission to steer clear of the close-minded, black & white, misanthropic people who have a worldview that lines up with his boneheaded lyric. I'll not be accepting a lunch invitation from Mr. Hamilton anytime soon.        


  1. As you know I teach Nia and we get playlists with choreography. There is one song called "Live Your Life" by Velvet Moon (don't know the artists). It has a very stupid line: "Books are meant to be picked up and thrown." I figured you could resonate with this one!

    1. Ines; Yeah, your nomination definitely belongs in the trash can alongside the one I used. Thanks for jumping in.

  2. How about "Short people got no reason to live." - I know, you'll say clever, tongue-in-cheek lyrics don't count.

    1. I recall when Randy Newman released "Short People" that some people thought he was serious. How about we put his sarcastic lyric in a third category i.e., higher than the trash heap but not quite Words for the Ages. Lyric purgatory, maybe?
