My brother - a person whose musical taste is nearly impeccable - has long been trying to convince me that "A Hard Day's Night" represents the Beatles at their best. Not their best song, per se, but the tune that nails their magic like no other. Though unpersuaded by his choice - my nominee for the Beatles at their best is "Rain" - I've always agreed with his contention that the opening chord of "A Hard Day's Night" is etched into the public consciousness like few others in the musical history of the past half-century.
So imagine my dismay when I recently played just that opening chord for a group of thirty adults and not one person reacted to it. How could this be? This dependable musical cue I'd considered iconic had worked just as planned in all my previous classes. But, this time - no recognition, no response! Just seconds into that hubris-filled moment, my baby boomer bias slapped me silly. I suddenly realized that in 1964, the people in this class were no doubt busy making a living, some of them raising families; that chord did not rock their world. I'd known before starting this audience would be older than I, but that explosive chord eliciting no response had not crossed my mind.
Then driving home after the class I recalled how excited I was to expose my Mom to John and Paul harmonizing on "If I Fell" in 1964; she was forty four years old. "Oh that's nice, Patrick, but the Lennon Sisters harmonize so much better." And, on the spot, I decided the theme song from "Shaft" - "iconic" high hat and wah-wah guitar notwithstanding - would get less attention on day two of this class than on other occasions when I'd taught it.
LOL! That is so funny. I will remember that if I plan on taking Nia Wise Moves to senior citizen centers. In the meantime I am working on a choreography for a classic Nia routine called BeatlemaNIA! I too love the Beatles......