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Saturday, March 4, 2023

Learning New Steps

Which components of keeping a relationship humming would you say have parallels to the skill required for effective dancing? In your experience, what can occur when one partner in a relationship begins changing in some way and the other partner isn't particularly agile about reacting to the change? 

Although I'm sure you'll agree that all relationships have to be able to endure bumps and collisions - just as dance partners do - I think you'll also agree there are limits. That is, if one or the other partner doesn't at least make an attempt to learn new steps - aka get attuned to the changes in their partner - isn't it more likely those bumps and collisions could begin getting wearisome? 

Given how long it takes me to learn new steps, I've been fortunate to have a patient life partner and almost equally patient friends. In my view, patience is another critical component needed for both humming relationships and effective dancing. Your thoughts?


  1. I would say coordination and listening are two components to a good relationship as well as good dance moves!

    1. Anonymous; I agree that coordination and listening are key components for both relationships and dancing. Thanks for the comment.

  2. Good afternoon, Pat. Hope this finds you doing well. Interesting post - again. My initial thoughts, after reading it, was that as people change there is also a need for growth. But does that growth need to be something that is shared? Or do the differences make for a more rounded relationship? Or cause a divide to occur? I like using the dance reference and especially the new steps. Over time we all change. The large part becomes how those changes interact, how they're accepted, and how we adjust to them. And I definitely agree that patience is a necessary ingredient.
    Be well,

    1. Bob #2: Intriguing set of questions you ask above in your comment. Aren't questions often more interesting than answers?
