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Monday, June 24, 2024

Miracles of the Natural World

I'm still buzzing from the thrill of having a butterfly land on my nose during a recent visit to the vivarium at the Museum of Natural History. Thanks to magnifying glasses located all around this magical place, I was able to closely examine the delicate lines of several species of butterflies, a new experience for me. Many of those lines looked as though they'd been painted on with a fine brush. And my favorite part? The awe in the eyes of every giggling child roaming around that room. Never been to a vivarium? I encourage you to add it your list. You will not be disappointed.
My vivarium experience also delivered an unexpected bonus. It deepened my appreciation for my wife's unflagging evangelism about the critical role native plants play in any local ecology. Gardens full of native plants - like the one in front of our home - help ensure butterfly populations thrive. Does anyone object to more butterflies? Standing still in my wife's garden or watching enchanted children covered in butterflies in a vivarium are two excellent reminders of miracles the natural world bestows on all who willingly embrace them.   



  1. Thank you, Pat, for listening and for this wonderful advertisement for native plants! And for not objecting when I dug up the entire front yard.

    1. Kim; No need for thanks. Your gardens have been a highlight of my life for a long time. And your commitment to native plants is inspiring.

  2. I can so relate. We have been to many butterfly museums over the years and I too love watching the children. David even designed a butterfly museum when we lived in Boston. Very cool.

  3. Beautiful. The sentiment, and the picture!

    1. Anonymous; Thanks for reading and for your gracious compliment.

  4. Hello, Pat. One of the highlights of having visited your home is seeing Kim's wonderful gardens. Such a beautiful collection of plants and the obvious care taken in creating it and helping to preserve the butterfly population. Win, Win and Win !!
    Be well,

    1. Bob; Thanks again for reading and your regular comments; I look forward to them. And extra thanks for the kind words about the gardens, which I'll pass along.
