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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Lingering Tidbit

"I don't know what I'll do with myself when I retire." 

Although not his exact words, I'm confident that was the essence of a remark a neighbor made to me many years back. Isn't it peculiar how tidbits from otherwise inconsequential conversations linger? Do you have an example of a lingering tidbit to share here? Have you ever given thought to the reason(s) your tidbit has remained with you?  

My tidbit has surfaced repeatedly almost from the day I left the full-time work world in 2010. For example, soon after getting up today, I felt grateful anticipating what the next few days look like for me. Nothing complicated: Lots of reading and guitar, meeting some friends to discuss books, time in NYC with my wife, writing a blog post or two, visiting myself via meditation. The simple richness of my life brought my tidbit to mind. 
As the day progressed, little things began amplifying my gratitude. First, an e-mail from a new friend asking me why a book we'd both read was meaningful to me. I pulled out the book, re-read some underlined passages. We agreed to talk later in the day. Then, Manfred Mann's cover of I Think It's Going To Work Out Fine played on the radio on my drive to get coffee. After that song transported me, I mused about the mental detour and then wrote about it in my journal. Later indulged in some Atlas riffing when an essay I'd started reading before opening my e-mail reminded me I was ignorant of the pertinent geography mentioned. And so went the rest of this special not-so-special day.  

I suspect my tidbit has lingered with me largely because I had a strong sense many years back what I would be doing when I retired. 


  1. Hey Pat. Hope you're all doing well. Being retired - 5 1/2 years now - has certainly brought its share of benefits, despite returning around 4 years earlier than initially planned. A story for another time. Not knowing what I'll do when I retire has certainly answered itself many times over. The only things I will add to what you've written, in no particular order:
    1. Retirement days of the week - 6 Saturdays and a Sunday
    2. Being paid Not to go to work
    And the one I like the most
    3. How did I ever have the to work
    Be well,

    1. Bob; Thanks for this comment and the others you made today on some later posts. Sincerely appreciate the consistent support.
