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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Grandpa Hits the Jackpot

I've had a life filled with sustained pleasures - satisfying work, enduring passions, rich and long-lasting friendships. In the father's sweepstakes? I hit the jackpot.

Except for a temper that sometimes gets the better of me, nearly every other lesson my dad taught me through example has helped me successfully navigate my fortunate life. He modeled the importance of loyalty, hard work, and lifelong learning. If he ever wavered in showing me unconditional love, I don't remember it. 

As a father, I've been equally fortunate. My daughter is the most emotionally intelligent person I know. She is talented, compassionate, and funny. I also see in her all the same good stuff my father passed along to me. I'm certain my dad would have been just as proud of what she's accomplished in her life as I am. I'm grateful he was around for her first eight years.   

Later this year, I'll be a grandfather myself for the first time. Without exception, every grandparent I've ever met has raved about this later-in-life experience. And I hope to have more time with my grandson than my dad did with my daughter. But one thing is certain, no matter how much time I end up having with him. He'll know Grandpa hit the jackpot three times.  


  1. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Congratulations, Pat. There is a saying I love, which I find to be eminently true: "Being a grandparent is the only thing in life that isn't overrated."

    1. Anonymous; I've heard that expression before and I expect it's likely true. Thanks for the comment.

  3. Big congratulations to everyone!!!

  4. That is so exciting! Congratulations. I am a "young" grandmother and have enjoyed every moment of it. I love the saying above. It is so true. Within the next several years I hope to be a great-grandmother.

    1. Ines; Thanks for the comment and congratulations.

  5. Hey, Pat. Hitting the jackpot huh? Sounds like something quite a few of us share with you. I remember when my daughter was born and I thought that was the 'be all, end all'. Jackpot!!! Then when my son was born I thought how could I ever be luckier. Both have grown to be such wonderful children, spouses, and parents. Jackpot, again. And Grandchildren !!! Another Jackpot hit. You and Kim must do yourselves a huge favor - something that I have a feeling doesn't need to be said, but - be sure to have someone take a picture as each of you hold your grandson for the very first time. The look on your faces will be one that you will look back on time and time again. Very happy for you and your, growing, family.
    Be well,

    1. Bob; We will indeed be sure to take the pic you suggested. Thanks for the comment.
