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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Postponement of gratification is inextricably linked to being a musician. I'm continually reminded that the thousands of hours of solitary practice and/or the hundreds of band rehearsals will always be far removed from the moments when all that practice and rehearsing suddenly clicks - fleetingly - and some magic occurs in a performance.  

Since 2011, the year my most recent musical partnership of longstanding ended, my live performances have been mostly solo guitar. On more than a few occasions over these last eleven years, I wondered if solo work - without singing - was ever going to deliver enough of those magical moments to make it worth continuing to ply this particular musical model.  Even an expert at postponing gratification like me - performing continuously for fifty-eight years - has limits. 

Just in time, several weeks back, during my first set at the opening of a local bookstore - click! The moments didn't string together for the whole set - the whole thing lasted about the length of two plus songs - and my second set disappointed me in its entirety. No matter, although I do hope my next click is closer than years away. It's not like I've got an unlimited number of those to spare.      


  1. Good morning, Pat. Hope this finds you all doing well. I love that you're still performing. However long ago it was, and for however long you were able to play, it must have felt pretty good being there and playing. Even those times when it's not great it has to be fun just to play. As you describe it .. 'magic occurs'
    Let me know when you're going to be paying again.
    Be well,

    1. Hey Bob; Though it's getting redundant me saying so, thanks for the unwavering support you show to my blog. And thanks also for asking about the next time I'll be playing somewhere locally, which is already on the calendar - stay tuned for more details.
