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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Getting the Hang of It

After thirteen full years of blogging, I might be getting the hang of it.

When Maiden Voyage was published on March 15, 2011, I was sixty-one years old and had stopped working full time almost exactly one year before. How old were you? What were you doing for a living at the time? Are you still doing that, something different, or have you left the full-time work world?

My abiding passions then were music, reading, and film; that hasn't changed a great deal. But initiating my blog helped me bring into sharper focus another passion that had always sustained me even if the necessities of life - like making a living - had frequently pushed it into the background. That until-then subsumed passion was a lifelong drive to organize my world via writing. What passions drive you? Which are lifelong vs. more recently discovered? 
Before this blog became essential to my life, my writing had taken many forms - poems, songs, essays, reviews, never-finished books, etc. Once I began blogging, I quickly discovered the discipline of being public and accountable for producing something routinely had been a critical missing element in my creative life. On a few occasions when I've had cause to re-read an old post, I've cringed. But more often, I've been pleased with what I've written. More important, many of my other finished endeavors - several of which I've been quite pleased with - would have likely never materialized without this blog acting as a catalyst. What recent or long-time discipline of yours has opened you up as blogging has done for me? 

If you are a first-time visitor to the bell curve - accidental or otherwise - welcome and I hope you return. If you're an occasional reader - no matter how occasional - thanks for checking in. If you're a regular reader, thank you so much and be sure to let me know how I can keep you engaged. If you've ever made a comment, please know - as I alluded to in Maiden Voyage - every comment or incipient spark of an online conversation helps ensure the bell curve will remain open for business. 



  1. Hi Pat. I was 64 and still working! I stopped working 10 years ago in April. I had a successful and fairly demanding career and embraced being able to follow some passions. They are dancing, reading and giving back. So, I practice and teach Nia, participate in four book clubs and five non-profits. The best corollary to your blog experience is stepping in to teach Nia. It is something I would never have imagined and has been so rewarding. Not to mention the positive benefits physically, mentally and emotionally. I too enjoy your posts. Keep on keeping on!

    1. Ines; Thanks for your comprehensive response, continued support, and encouragement to "...keep on keeping on". Also: I'm pleased to know Nia has done for you what blogging has for me.

  2. Hello Pat. 2011 --- I was 8 years from a then unplanned and even not even thinking about retirement. Kids were still single, although of an age where dating was goi g on. My son was still in HS and a few years from his military service and that year of hell when he was deployed to the Middle East.
    And, a number years away from your Bell Curve Blog. As I've said previously, I enjoy reading each one and am glad to be a, very, small part of the process offering comments from time to time. Just keep doing what you're doing. It's working and .. if it ain't broke ..
    Be well,

    1. Bob; Thanks for comment and ongoing support. Glad to know my blog "...ain't broke...", that is, at least for you.
