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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Friday, March 8, 2024

I've Got Your Number (#2)

First off, congratulations to the smarty-pants who quickly cracked the first installment of this newest series when I kicked it off in early February. Although this second iteration may not be a big enough challenge for that showoff, I've got a few more cooking that may foil even a geek like him. In the meanwhile, apply the same guidelines used for installment # 1. Those are ... 

* Identify the one title that is correct as stated.
* Identify three of the five having incorrect numbers in their title as stated and then transplant the correct number from a title that is elsewhere on this list of five.
* Identify one title having an incorrect number in its title as stated and supply the correct number without using Google. Then, take the incorrect number from that title and slot it into the title of a book later turned into a series of films. Ready? 

1.) When I'm 69
2.) 1:01 to Yuma
3.) Summer of 55
4.) Ol' 64 
5.) Sixty Years On   

Extra challenge for smarty-pants/showoff: Which artist (author, filmmaker, musician, TV personality, etc.) is most closely associated with the item having the correct title as stated? 

As with installment #1, if no comments/answers are forthcoming in due time, I'll supply a hint to help grease the wheels. Good luck.  


  1. When I'm 64 - Song by the Beatles
    3:10 to Yuma - Movie
    Summer of 69 - Song by Bryan Adams
    Ol' 55 - Song by Tom Waits
    Sixty Years On - Song by Elton John (This one is correct)

    Not sure if this is correct but my guess would be "101 Dalmatians" with the lead character being Cruella de Vil played by Glenn Close.

    1. Chris; You are hereby declared officially relentless in the domain of pop culture, especially when the emphasis falls - as in this installment - mostly on music. And yes, "101 Dalmatians" is indeed the piece of ephemera I was referring to in this post; it was a book before being turned into a Disney series, culminating with Glenn Close in the last iteration = "Cruella". I assure you installment #3 - TBD sometime in April - will be more of a challenge than the first two, even for an ultimate pop culture geek like you. Please promise me - and my other readers who have had trouble beating you to the finish line these first two times - that you won't use Google in April when your mettle faces more a more daunting challenge. In the meanwhile, take a well-deserved break, smarty-pants.

  2. OK - again I know that I am usually late to this party but .. Come on Chris - LOL. Another great job.

    1. Bob; Yeah that Chris geek is a tough one to keep up with when it comes to posts like this. Maybe in the third installment (sometime in April) you can beat him to the finish line. BTW, did you have this (slightly harder) installment solved like you did the first?

    2. Not all of them this time, Pat. But I’m anxiously waiting for the April challenge.
