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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The 2014 Olgas

Though disappointed my February 2013 call for nominations generated little response, the show goes on. The first ever Olgas, a bell curve alternative to the Oscars, are hereby awarded to the following:

1.) Best book with a 2013 copyright not yet the recipient of a major literary award: The Woman Upstairs by Claire Messud

2.) Best non-award winning movie released in 2013:  Prisoners 

3.) Best recording newly exposed to in 2013: Guitarist Frank Vignola's rendition of the Gershwin classic "Our Love Is Here To Stay"

4.) Best newly sampled ethnic restaurant: Babur Garden (Afghan cuisine) in Ocean, NJ

5.) Best new web series: http://www.youtube.com/user/bottomlessbrunch

Although one blog was nominated, nominator was related to the immensely talented author of that blog. Therefore, exercising mythic humility, judge has decreed no Olga will be awarded for that category in 2014.  


  1. My vote for best book is The Signature of All Things by Melissa Gilbert...for anyone with interest in the history of botany/horticulture, it's candy. Best web series is definitely www.bottomlessbrunchcomedy.com (Shameless plug for my daughter)

  2. Love that Prisoners was nominated for best movie. Thanks Dad for nominating us for best webseries! love you.
