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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Life And Other Gifts

Aside from your life, what are some of the other gifts your parents gave you?

Taking more note of my parent's birthdays each year has alone made blogging worthwhile. Because my Dad would have been 96 today, his gifts to me are front and center.

* He loved to read. As a child, I recall wondering why anyone would choose to read "The Lives Of A Cell". At 64, that choice deepens my admiration for him.

* He played the ukulele. Surely this had a pronounced impact on my subsequent passion for music, especially when he'd accompany my Mom's singing.

* As I grew into a surly, disagreeable and far left of center adolescent my Father slowly modified his less-than-politically-progressive politics and accompanying language, showing more respect for my unformed opinions than I ever gave his more experienced views.

I miss him. And I'm so happy he knew how much I loved and admired him because I repeatedly told him so. People sometimes say words are cheap.  What's cheap about reminding people how much they mean to you?  


  1. With a Catholic Italian mother from Brooklyn and Mennonite German father from central Pennsylvania, I learned by example that any two people can get along if they both really try.

    1. Anonymous; Thanks for comment - that was indeed a good gift you received.
