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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Friday, December 23, 2016

Transcending Humbug

Whenever I unthinkingly move into humbug mode this time of year, one of the constants that help guarantee my mood will lift is spending lots of time with my daughter. What helps you transcend humbug? 

Mind you, she and I have our less-than-sparkling moments. But the bulk of our interactions remind me what a fine person she has become. And it's not unusual for pieces of our conversations to later appear, however elliptically, in a blog post. Her insights are wise beyond her years, her commitment to her career is inspiring, and we almost always get to play some music together. Biased, you say? Not to my face if you're smart.

Mostly, I'm grateful she seems to enjoy my company. Hard to stay in humbug mode too long when I consider that gift.


  1. Oh this is so nice, Pat. Your daughter sounds like someone who can lift your mood just by being there. It's perfectly fine to be biased. That's what good fathers are for!

  2. Pat, Just opening my eyes to all the good people around me, realizing the many gifts I often take for granted....

  3. Peter, Your gratitude for the simple things is a sure fix for holiday humbug!

  4. Peter; Thanks for your comment and happy holidays to you.
