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Friday, October 7, 2011

Remembering Old Friends

Taking notes - writing on the back page and margins - making an entry in a book journal - discussing with others (in a group or otherwise) - blogging

Using a combination of all these techniques helps me to recall a little more of what I read. What do you do? If you don't do anything, how many times have you re-read a book almost all the way through only to realize you'd read it before? On July 6, 1999 I finished Anne Tyler's 1998 novel "Patchwork Planet". At that time my main technique, aside from discussions with my wife, was writing a brief note on the last page. My note on 7/6/99 said: "Of Tyler's work I've read, this is one of her 'smallest', although some nice turns of phrase." On July 31, 2001, until I saw my note on that last page, I didn't know I'd finished the book just 2 years before. I decided right then to begin combining several techniques. To me books are cherished friends; I no more want to forget one than the other. My misanthropic conjecture? I've probably learned more from some OK books than I have from some people I've encountered. How about you?

I admit using all of the techniques above might strike some as obsessive. (Uh-oh, I just realized I also often "cast" books but only novels that haven't yet been made into a film). But based on the meager readership of this blog, my secret is reasonably safe.   

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