Twist my arm; just a little.
OK, I'll do it for you. Here's a list of movies you might have missed that you should see. Or books that slipped by you that you simply must read. What about these films or books makes them so special you ask? Twist my arm; just a little more.
OK, I'll append to this mix tape without music a document describing what makes each movie or book on your list worth seeking out. And as an added bonus, I'll include others that have a similar feel in case you happened to see one or more of the movies or read one or more of the books. You know, like the algorithm Pandora uses or the way Barnes & Noble makes suggestions on your receipts. Except I started making these mix tapes without music long before Al Gore invented the Internet, when Mom & Pop bookstores were thriving, back when people used cassette for mix tapes with music.
How am I certain I was doing this so long ago? Easy, I've saved copies of all my documents. One of the earliest copies, a mix tape of movies for my future sister-in-law, was made with carbon paper. Remember that? Why did I save all of these documents? Even easier - I need to refer to the old ones when doing a new one; avoids excessive duplication. There are always fresh movies and books to be added to any new list.
Weird? Mildly obsessive? OK, then don't twist my arm, don't even touch my arm. And, be sure to steer future conversations with me away from music. If we go there and I sense gaps in your musical education and you even graze my arm, a CD music mix with accompanying document is in your future. No charge.
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