"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am - stuck in the middle with you".
How many times in your life have you heard the expression "stuck (or caught or trapped) in the middle"? Ever heard a complimentary reverse sentiment like "thrilled to be in the middle"? Me neither. So, what could be more appropriate, if superficial, to reflect on in the middle of the week in the middle of a month other than how the muddle in the middle can get short shrift? And, added justification - the Ides of February occur in today's middle muddle. OK, frivolity first.
Anyone else noticed how Wednesday figures in fewer songs over the course of music history than any other day of the week? In my extensive music collection I uncovered just one early Simon & Garfunkel song - Wednesday Morning, 3 AM. Didn't research this so Google it and correct me if you must. Thursday is the only contender for 1st place in this dubious sweepstake. While on music, how many of your favorite songs fall in the middle of any recording you own? (I'm talking pre I-tunes so don't get sassy). I'll take even money the majority of your favorites, like mine, were at the beginning or the end. Stuck in the middle again.
Then there's middle children. My two younger sisters might weigh in on this more sensitive middle subject. My brother, the youngest in the family, is also least likely to read my blog so this wacky rambling might escape additional family scrutiny from the other one of us four not in the middle.
Though not inclined to wax political, I could mention the frequent invisibility of the middle class. At 63 do I still qualify as middle aged? Oh well, you get the idea. But I've saved the best for last. This middlebrow wants to know who, without Googling it, can name the band who recorded the one hit wonder cited at the beginning (not the middle) of this post. Aren't you glad you got through the middle paragraphs now?
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