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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Friday, January 1, 2016

Stop - Start - Continue: 2016

Last year began promisingly here on the bell curve. In response to my January 1 post, several people shared what they would stop, start, and continue in 2015. The link to that New Year's post is at the bottom of this one - be sure to read the pledges folks made; some good stuff.

In 2016, I will ...

Stop getting triggered as easily and as often. I know getting triggered is part of the human condition; I'm aiming for having it happen less frequently and less indiscriminately.  And I will...

Start composing more. I know my songwriting will improve appreciably if I approach it the same way as my blog - by writing something every day. And last, I will...

Continue seeking out additional colleges to teach my music courses. Each time I get to repeat a course at a new location, my total compensation gets closer to minimum wage.
Why not try this model on for size by telling me and others what you will stop, start, and continue in 2016? Going public with a commitment increases the likelihood you'll keep it.



  1. As promised, Pat: In 2016, I will
    Stop looking at my body and focusing only on the flaws. I tried this last year but have to work harder at using a compassionate lens
    Start a workout and eating plan that allows me to feel fit and healthy; Little by little I lost my focus in this last year when I started to have shoulder problems. That's behind me so now I have to dig in.
    Continue to keep a gratitude journal adding some other journaling to capture the blessings and beauty in my life.

    1. Lynn; Thanks for reading and keeping your promise. Your stop-start-continue pledges are realistic and all positively focused. Be sure to forgive yourself when you fall short - helps maintain determination and increases your chance of success.
