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Friday, November 16, 2012

A Milestone - Thanks!

Recently this blog was viewed for the 10,000th time. Since many D-list celebrities routinely reach 10,000 or more people each day with their 140 character tweets, I won't be getting measured for a new hat size anytime soon. If has beens like Victoria Jackson and Ted Nugent are read by 10,000 people per tweet, this never was, who has written over 400 posts in 20 months, could arguably qualify for institutionalization just for using the word "reach" in a sentence referring to this blog.  

So get the medication ready; I'm ecstatic having reached this milestone. The number of online conversations I'd hoped for has yet to hit my objective. But the few that have occurred have been wonderful. The number of members remains low. But the quality of those members is high. Some posts I was sure would light a spark fizzled without a trace. But others unexpectedly produced some very moving responses, many delivered to me offline. Most of the comments have been from people I know. The comments coming from those I don't know, whether they identify themselves or not, have reminded me of the remarkable reach of the Internet.

I appreciate everyone who continues to encourage me. If ever you think a post might be of interest to someone you know, please consider forwarding it using the e-mail icon at the bottom left of the screen, right under "posted by Pat Barton". And thank you for reading.

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