Which four board games would be on your Mt. Rushmore? As a certified board game fanatic, I am genuinely curious to know your answers in the 9th iteration of this series. My four are listed in approximate order of when they hit the market; yours need not be.
1.) Scrabble: As a word geek, this is a no brainer. And though I love to win, I still enjoy playing with just my wife and I, though she's ahead by about 2:1 over our 35 years together. Without a doubt, the best board game ever invented if you have just two players.
2.) Trivial Pursuit: I like all the versions except sports. Still haven't met many from the bell curve that give me much competition in the music or silver screen versions. Any takers out there? Bring it on.
3.) Balderdash: Before someone invented this as a board game, we had our own take on this concept; our only prop was a dictionary and our name for it a barnyard epithet. Later market versions, expanding the bs concept beyond just words, are even more fun.
4.) Wise and Otherwise: Found this about 10-15 years ago and all I'll say is buy it. If you're a board game person, guaranteed you'll enjoy it. More creative than competitive.
I've got a few more recent ones that are good, but not quite Mt. Rushmore status. How about you?
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